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Modern sport hall AL KOBRA HALL in Tripoli illuminated by the LUG

Athletes’ achievements are always watched with big interest, are emotional and rally round lots of fans. The best conditions to watch sport events may be provided by professional projects and well illuminated sport objects.

Athletes’ achievements are always watched with big interest, are emotional and rally round lots of fans. The best conditions to watch sport events may be provided by professional projects and well illuminated sport objects. The company LUG Light Factory Sp. z o.o. has realized another illumination project of a sport object – it is Tripoli Sport Park complex located in Tripoli – the capital city of Libya. The crucial element of this project was illumination of sport hall All KOBRA HALL with playing field’s size 28m x 15m, destined for basketball matches, which may seats about 15 thousands spectators.

To light up this sport object Hevelius Premium Circular with power 1000 W (in it: 40 optic C4 and 72 of C5 optics) luminaires were used. Moreover there were used also devices which provide immediate ignition of the metal-halide (Hot Re-strike): 8 of optics C4 and 25 of optics C5. Totally there are installed 144 specialist LUG’s luminaires to illuminate sport objects, in which there are installed OSRAM’s HQI-TS 1000W/D/S lamps.

The realized sport object Tripoli Sport Park and specially Sport Hall Al KOBRA HALL are built for, among others, African Basketball Championships – AFROBASKET LIBYA 2009.

The LUG Light Factory has in its offer wide range of luminaires designed for professional illumination of sport objects – pitches, stadiums, swimming-pools and tennis-courts. The LUG has already illuminated several hundred of sport objects in Poland and in foreign countries as well, among others, speedway stadium MOTOARENA in Toruń, Bicycle Track BGŻ ARENA in Pruszków, POLONEZ pitch in Warsaw, sport hall and swimming-pool in University of Zielona Góra and Sport and Recreation Center of the Warsaw University, gymnasiums in high schools, tennis-courts in Łapino, Rheinau, Wrocław, Częsotchowa, halls for sports and events and several hundred of sport objects for ‘My Pitch – ORLIK 2012’ project.