Terms of use

The using of the access to the www.lug.com.pl, viewing and/or usage of this service means that User read and understood present condition and that he accepts to follow them and act according to the standing law and regulations. The lack of acceptation of the present conditions makes not possible the usage of the WWW service.

The using of the text, graphical and multimedia materials, and other elements of these Internet page is allowed, except the limitations as below:


LUG (LUG Capital Group) poses sole, exclusive right to abovementioned materials available at www.lug.com.pl. All trademarks and graphical signs, website address, product names, pictures remain the LUG trademarks and belong exclusively to LUG.


Publication of materials as in the Press Centre is allowed, however only for non-commercial reasons. Nevertheless, LUG shall be noticed about the fact of each such publication in the written form, and the purpose and place of such publication shall be indicated, as well as the LUG website address or sending the entire material in electronic, printed or any other versions. Such notice shall be send to e-mail: marketing@lug.com.pl


Using the materials as available at the LUG website (www.lug.com.pl) shall be allowed only when its source is indicated, and in case of publications in electronic version, its source shall be indicated in the form of hyperlink (link) to the page, where they come from.


It is allowed to place the links linking to the data (text, graphic and multimedia) as published on www.lug.com.pl, and the real source shall be indicated clearly (ref. to the website address www.lug.com.pl). It is strictly forbidden to publish the links to the materials from www.lug.com.pl at the websites, that content may breach the law, are secured by law for the good of any third parties, social life and good manners. All liability of LUG arising out of or in connection with use of the Internet pages or connected with offers made by third parties via links with the Internet pages, is excluded.


Any exclusions of these rules might arise only in case of individual, mutual arrangements / written contracts.


Rules and conditions as stated above shall be governed by the laws of Poland. In case these rules as above are breached, LUG (LUG Group) shall has a right to claim for refunding for either damage or lost profits in result of this breach.



If the provisions of the regulations are not clear, you can contact us


Gli specialisti di LUG vi aiuteranno a scegliere le plafoniere e i sistemi LED adatti
Crediamo che il successo di qualsiasi impresa inizi con una base solida e siamo qui per fornirvi non solo soluzioni eccellenti, ma anche un'assistenza completa dall'inizio alla fine. Il nostro team di professionisti esperti è pronto a servirvi con assoluta professionalità, aiutandovi a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi.
Richiesta di consulenza