Moszczenica, Poland

2139 URBINO LED Intelligent LED luminaires in the Smart City “Future Proof” system

The modernization of street lighting in the Moszczenica county, which began in the summer of 2019, includes the replacement of 1383 existing sodium and mercury luminaires with modern ones made in LED technology, the construction of 755 new lighting points . A total of 2138 luminaires were installed. All the new luminaires were equipped with the internal iBLOC controllers operating in a mesh radio network. Communication with the cloud is provided by over 40 HUBiot-1 gateways connected to the network using municipal Wi-Fi system.

Dedicated solution:

System installation in a vast rural commune (23 districts). Convenient and effective maintenance & service of particular importance. System installation in a vast residential area (several dozen towns and villages). Convenient and effective maintenance & service of particular importance. Lighting intensity adjusted after completing the investment based on surveys and discussions with the residents. Inclusive growth. Improved safety on national, voivodship, poviat and commune roads. 40 gateways, which are the basis for further development of the smart function (installation of surveillence cameras planned).

Summary of the generated savings, based on a tender specification materials

Number of light points13922147
Energy consumption of a light point [W]11649
Installed power [kW]161105
Lighting time [h/year]40004000
CO%%frm=sub%%2%%end%% emission [kg/year]515 245335 160
NO%%frm=sub%%2%%end%% emission [kg/year]616401
Energy consumption [kWh/year]645 670420 000
Estimated gross electricity cost [zł]271 181,40176 400,00
Gross investment cost [zł]-2 919 800,00
Investment costs with 85% co-financing [zł]-902 052,00
ROI6 years
The dedicated lighting schedule for the commune of Moszczenica is based on an astronomical clock and is associated with a daily cycle of sunlight. Launch of the luminaires begins five minutes before sunset and the lumen output increases gradually. The power reduction that occurs late at night generates additional savings.

Luminaires used